How was the Chicago Summit significant to the future of Unmanned Aerial Vehicle use by NATO?
Describe NATO’s involvement in Libya in 2011? Which crisis management measures were applied and by which states?
Analyze NATO –Turkey relations in the context of the Cuban missile crisis.
Which Soviet doctrine was intended to justify interventions in satellite states (for example Czechoslovakia in 1968)? In what other cases was it applied?
Why was the Iraq issue able to divide NATO members in 2003?
In which operations has NATO enforced a no-fly zone or an arms embargo?
Which NATO member country other than France did not participate in NATO’s integrated military structures for over a decade and why?
What were the main points of the strategy of Mutually Assured Destruction during the 1960s and how has it evolved since?
Describe the role and operation of Provincial Reconstruction Teams in Iraq. Why has this form of civil-military cooperation been specific to NATO?
What obstacles forced NATO to get involved in Bosnia and Herzegovina only through a gradual increase of applied measures?
II. International Relations
In what cases is the use of force by NATO justified by international law? Concentrate on the most discussed points.
Compare NATO activities in combating piracy with those of the European Union.
Explain the concept of cooperative security. How did it influence NATO after 1989?
State which NATO and non-NATO countries are involved in combatting the organization ISIL in both Syria and Iraq and describe how they are involved.
State examples of international treaties which objective was to decrease the number of nuclear weapons in world stockpiles?
Define the term privatization of security and provide examples.
What are the key security challenges to Afghanistan after the end of NATO's military operation?
What is the "Responsibility to Protect"? What is its relation to international law and how does this concept practically influence NATO?
Which countries immediately neighboring Russia have joined, or are on the path to join NATO? What were or are the main complications?
What specific steps have been undertaken by NATO in response to the Ukraine crisis? Include both the adopted decisions and on-the-ground developments.
III. Structure and Functioning
How can the Smart Defense concept of "pooling and sharing" function in reality? Are there existing examples? And what are the major related concerns?
What remains the dominant obstacle of Macedonia joining NATO? Explain how its accession process developed.
Is there a difference between the funding mechanism of NATO military operations and other activities (such as air defense, command and control, or HQ operation)?
How is NATO involved in combating cyber-terrorism? Is the number of attacks against member countries rising steadily?
When was the Article no. 5 of the Washington Treaty activated and why?
Why was the NATO Strategic concept from 1999 so crucial to the development of the Alliance?
Name, date, and provide a short description of NATO operations in the territory of former Yugoslavia.
How has the NATO ballistic missile defense developed since 2002?
State specific examples of NATO's cooperation with African international organizations since the end of the Cold War.
What requirements must be met and which procedures undertaken by countries aspiring to gain NATO membership?
IV. Geography
Highlight countries which are members of NATO but not members of the EU (as of March 1, 2015 and beside USA and Canada).
Highlight European countries which host a permanent US military base.
Highlight NATO member countries which were previously members of the Warsaw Pact.
Highlight countries outside of NATO who are participating in the NATO Strategic Airlift Capability multinational project (as of March 1, 2015).
Highlight NATO member countries which have not adopted sanctions against Russia over the ongoing Ukraine crisis (as of March 1, 2015).